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 Google Search Statistics from 9/11/01


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Among the top 200 queries on Tuesday, news-related searches were 60 times greater than the number of news-related searches conducted the previous day.

More than 80 percent of the top 500 queries conducted on Tuesday were related to the terrorist attacks.

At 6:51 a.m. on Tuesday, more than 6,200 queries for "cnn" were conducted on Google. Between 6:26 a.m. and 7:06 a.m., the number of searches for "cnn" averaged approximately 6,000 queries per minute. Please see below:

Graph: Google Searches for the query, 'cnn' on 9/11/01

Other Google searches related to the 9/11 terrorist attacks are below:
Graph: Google searches for the query, 'world trade center' Graph: Google searches for the query, 'pentagon'
Graph: Google searches for the query, 'nostradamus' Graph: Google searches for the query, 'osama bin laden'
Top 10 Queries Related to Terrorist Attacks - 9/11/01

     1. cnn

     2. world trade center

     3. bbc

     4. pentagon

     5. msnbc

     6. osama bin laden
     7. nostradamus
     8. american airlines
     9. fbi
   10. barbara olson

Top 10 Gaining Queries
Week Ending Sept. 13, 2001

     1. nostradamus

     2. cnn

     3. world trade center

     4. osama bin laden

     5. pentagon

     6. fbi
     7. american red cross
     8. american airlines
     9. afghanistan
   10. american flag

Top 10 Declining Queries
Week Ending Sept. 13, 2001

     1. us open

     2. aaliyah

     3. hank the angry dwarf

     4. irs

     5. compaq

     6. david blaine

     7. shark attacks

     8. anne heche

     9. Carly Fiorina

   10. kate winslet