On January 1, 2002, euro banknotes and coins were put into circulation in Europe.

curling v. hockey v. figure skating

Users search for national geographic after the magazine locates the Afghan girl, who was subject of famed cover photo 18 years ago.


Top Tax Queries

     1. irs

     2. tax forms

     3. irs forms

     4. turbotax

     5. 1040

Top Soccer Players

        1. david beckham

        2. ronaldo

        3. michael owen

        4. oliver kahn

        5. francesco totti

The Tour de France dominates searches throughout Europe.

The Anna Nicole Smith show has the biggest premiere of any cable show.


During the months of their premieres, there were 42% more searches for "Friends" than for "Survivor."

Halloween searches in Germany were nearly five times more than Spain, three times more than the UK, and two times more than France.



Users around the world search for "david beckham rumors" as rumors circulate about the English soccer star.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Top Olympians
1. anni friesinger
2. michelle kwan
3. jamie sale
4. sarah hughes
5. kari traa

The Oscars are the top gaining query for the month.

French users search for "elections presidentielles" as Jean-Marie Le Pen upset Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and qualified to face French President Jacques Chirac in the runoff for presidency.

Controversial Dutch politician
Pim Fortuyn is murdered a week before national elections.

The world cup becomes the most popular sports event of the year and the term was the third most popular query overall for the month of June.

Spain and Morocco feud over possession of Isla Perejil, a tiny island in the Mediterranean Sea.


German users search for "hochwasser," the German translation for "flood", as the waters rise around Dresden.

Users around the world remember the events of September 11, 2001.

Users search for information about the sniper scare in the Washington, D.C. area.

Top Thanksgiving Queries
1. thanksgiving recipes
2. pumpkin pie
3. turkey recipes
4. green beans
5. mashed potatoes

Top Retailers
December 2002

     1. amazon

     2. best buy

     3. walmart

     4. ikea

     5. toys r us